BA Sanitary Sewer System
Allocation: $803,000.00

The Sanitary Sewer System includes construction of approximately 6,115 linear feet of 15” and 18” sewer, along with new manholes and creek crossing structures. The “Aspen Creek Relief Line” will be constructed adjacent to Aspen Creek from West Tucson Street (E 121st St.) to Florence Street (E 111th St.). The sanitary sewer improvements will not only provide accessibility for retail development in the immediate area, but are also expected to open retail, commercial and office development adjacent to the Creek Turnpike. The relief line will relieve the existing Florence Street and Greyoaks Lift Stations that are scheduled for demolition as part of this project.
This project was completed in September 2017.
Engineer: Holloway, Updike & Bellen
Construction Team: Triangle Construction & Utility