Common Education
Allocation: $11,300,000.00
Summary Update:
The Common Education Funding program was completed in June 2008.
As provided under Proposition 3 of Vision 2025, a total of $11,300,000 was identified for Common Education. From the first bond sale, $10,735,000, or 95 percent of the total funds, were authorized for expenditure and were in place for use upon execution of the required legal agreement(s). The agreements included provisions for receiving the remaining funds should they become available.
Funds were allocated based on the unadjusted Average Daily Membership (ADM) of the student populations within each district as recorded for the fall of 2003 according to the Oklahoma State Department of Education, Superintendent’s Office.
All funds were designated for the purchase of instructional materials that qualified as capital assets. The material must have a useful life of no less than three years; i.e. hardbound books qualified, but paperbacks did not. Items such as science kits that have a sufficient number of refills to last no less than three years were acceptable. The following items are examples of reimbursable purchases:
Hardbound books
Laminated maps, charts, etc.
Software & software license (which meet a 3 year test)
DVD players
VHS tapes
VHS tape players
Computers, monitors, and peripherals if utilized by students
Chalk and marker boards
Tack boards
Science kits, provided order includes ample refills for three years’ use.
Tulsa County did not participate in the decisions regarding the districts’ needs, but relied on the districts’ certifications and the Program Manager’s verification of compliance with the capital asset requirement.