Tulsa Community College-Southeast Campus
Allocation: $8,000,000.00
Summary Update:
The East Addition (Student Support Services) and the South Addition are complete, occupied and in use. The East Addition construction was completed in May 2006. The South Addition construction was completed in October 2006.
Tulsa Community College broke ground Monday, April 25, 2005, on the new Medical and Biotechnology Learning Center. The 47,000-square-foot building was made possible with $8 million included within the Vision 2025 program. The center consists primarily of two additions to the Mathematics and Science Building. The East Addition is an enhanced science learning center with two 48-seat, tiered lecture classrooms, computerized testing facilities, and faculty and staff offices. The South Addition contains classroom and laboratory facilities for the biotechnology, medical laboratory technology, and nursing programs, including:
•Two 12-bed, state-of-the-art nursing laboratories designed to simulate hospital settings, featuring SIM MAN manikins that respond to treatments administered by nursing students.
•State-of-the-art biotechnology laboratory with 24 biotechnology laboratory tables and two multimedia class meeting areas – which will provide training in polymerase chain reaction (a process that uses a single molecule of genetic material as both a criminal investigative tool and a medical diagnostic tool for various bacterial and viral diseases).
•Tissue culture facilities with bio hoods.
•State-of-the-art medical technology laboratory with five octagonal team training tables, autoclave, bio hoods, refrigeration units.
•Three lecture classrooms for 16 to 80 students and multi-media classroom for 24 students.