

Status: COMPLETE Allocation: $ 459,388.00 Project Description: Downtown: The Black Gold Park Centennial Landmark project was completed in March 2008 with a dedication held in April 2008. This modern replica of an Oklahoma oil derrick helps chronicle the town’s part…

Broken Arrow

Status: COMPLETE Allocation: $ 3,972,953.93 Project Description: Downtown: The Historical Museum was completed in April 2008. The Gateway project at Washington and Main was completed in June 2008. The Streetscape projects, El Paso and Main Intersection, Broadway and Main Intersection,…


Status: COMPLETE Allocation: $852,941.40 Project Description:   Downtown: In September 2004, City of Bixby and the Bixby Telephone Company completed a downtown renovation project to demonstrate how Vision funds and the private sector could join together and revitalize all of…


Status: COMPLETEAllocation: $ 1,143,463.90 Project Description:     Downtown: The Burial and Relocation of Overhead Utilities Project was completed in January 2007. Construction on the Vision 2025 portion of the Main Street Streetscape Enhancement Project, which included streetscaping, and installation…


Status: COMPLETEAllocation: $ 239,286.73 Project Description: Downtown: Construction of the first phase of the Main Street Master Plan Enhancements was completed in October 2008.           Neighborhoods: The City along with the Collinsville Public Schools have upgraded…

Owasso Medical Complex

Status: COMPLETE Project Description: The water storage tank and two phases of transmission lines complete the Owasso Medical Complex project. Design:Benham Construction:McGuire Brothers Construction – Water Transmission Line;Landmark Structures – Water Tower Return to Owasso Medical Complex

LaFortune Park

Status:  COMPLETE Project Description: Vision 2025 funds were provided to construct three new picnic shelters, develop and construct facilities identified in the existing master plan for the property known as the “Gardens of LaFortune”, and construct a recreational facility to…